Meet the instructors


Chief / Senior Paramotor Instructor

USPPA Instructor Administrator, USPPA Tandem Administrator, USHPA Tow Technician, ASC Flight Instructor, FAA Sport Pilot, Pioneer of Paramotoring in the USA (1993). Retired professional hang gliding and paragliding competition pilot. Started flying hang gliders in 1985, paragliders in 1988, paramotors in 1991, hang glider trikes in 1992, powered parachutes in 2005 and gyrocopters in 2023. Owner of / Paramotor Instructor flight school / NVolo USA / Air Wave Paramotor Tours.


Junior Paramotor Instructor

USPPA FL Instructor USPPA FL Tandem Instructor Sponsored by Ozone / Parajet / Vittorazi / Air Wave Paramotor Tours. Started flying paramotors in January 2020 and became a USPPA certified instructor by May 2021. He paraglides too. Rob is a professional photographer and helps running all of Air Wave Paramotor Tours worldwide. His amazing aerial shots have been published in specialized international magazines and on innumerable social media sites. An important asset to organization.


Junior Paramotor Instructor

USPPA FL and WL Instructor, USPPA WL Tandem Instructor, APPI PG Pro Tandem, FEMEDA PG Advanced Intructor, Started flying paragliders in 1996, paramotors in 2000 and hang gliders in 2004. Professional tandem pilot with more than 20 years experience.


Junior Paramotor Instructor

USPPA FL and WL Instructor, USPPA FL Tandem Instructor, USHPA PG Instructor, USHPA PG Tandem Instructor, Started flying paragliders in 2007 running a commercial tandem operation in El Salvador. He started flying paramotors in 2014 and became one of the best foot-launch tandem instructors around.


Senior Paramotor Instructor

HPAC PG Instructor, HPAC PG Tandem Instructor, Transport Canada Senior, PPG / UL / PPC / Gyro Instructor, Retired professional paragliding competition pilot and commercial tandem instructor in Nepal for many years. Started flying paragliders in 1992, paramotors in 1994, hang glider trikes in 2007, powered parachutes in 2009 and gyrocopters in 2019. He has been an asset to the light aviation world since the 90s